Wednesday 26 October 2011


2. (a)
The issue that I am reading is about baby dumping. This baby dumping issue was the hottest issue throughout last year where most of the victims are teenagers to young adults. Baby dumping issue happened when teenagers having unprotected sex or without any sex knowledge before marriage and make a young women to accidently pregnant.        
Dumping a baby is an inhumane act where it is to murdering an innocent person to die. Baby dumping maybe classified as attempted murder or murder. Besides dumping the baby, abortion also consider one of the murdering the baby. An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It removes the embryo or fetus and placenta from uterus. The baby dumpers and abortion will be caught to be jailed around 10 years or death sentence and also fined to what they had done to the innocent’s infants.
            In this few articles, I have discovered that nowadays people think that having sex is to protect the relationships between the couples in order for the long lasting relationships. All this fact is wrong. They think that a baby that given by God is not a life while only them themselves think that their life is given by God and more precious than the innocent infants. Babies also have their own life and have the rights to continue their own life in this world.
            I feel so uneasy and my heart goes out while reading this baby dumping articles. All the babies that have been dumped into river, dump in dumpster or buried alive, and many more are so innocent that they can’t really see the real world after the birth from its own mother. This issue mostly talks about the young mothers who are the victims of the pregnancies but there is hardly mention about the fathers to the child. Men usually scared to take the big responsibilities to take care the child and also the mother because it is a big burden for them to take care both of them.  
People dump or buried the babies are because they are scared that they are discovered to have baby before marriage and bring to the family dishonor. If they told their parents about their pregnant, most probably the result is their parents will sent them off from the house and abandoned them to solve the problem by themselves. But some of the parents are kind enough that they accept the sudden pregnant issue and ask both of them to get married.
Some of these teenagers who had their babies still have opportunity to continue their education. She could easily have been one of the girls who secretly gave birth or dumped the infant’s to somewhere else. While some of the unlucky one even have to stop their education in the middle school in order to take care their baby. These young women lost their opportunity to study like a normal school student who goes to school as usual and they also lost their future that they wanted to achieve.
The newly unwed parents who are unable to take care of the newly born baby should approach some institutions under the ministry or Welfare Department. For example this is similar to Orphan CARE which is the country’s first baby hatch is now managed by non-governmental organization which enables parents to give up their new born baby for adoption. These types of institutions help the young mother to take care of their baby without dumping the innocent babies and help these babies to be adopted by someone else which have the ability to take care them.

2. (b)
            This issue happens because lack of sex education in our daily life. We are less approach with the sex education where it is not in our syllabus in our school education. Besides that there is less sex education that can be provided to teach the youngster what is sex about. Parent’s guides in sex education also getting loosen. They are busy of finding money for the family use and abandon the child to know nothing about sex and did unprotected sex and get pregnant.
            Besides that, teenagers are growth with a lot of anxious and they want to try new things that are beyond of their thinking especially to whom is coupling at the middle school. They will try to do the unsafe and unprotected sex in order to find out their anxiously feeling about sex. This unprotected sex will lead to the youngster easily get pregnant and they will simply try to abort or dump the baby because they scared that it will be found out by their parents and get scolded by them and lastly will be kicked out of home.
After getting pregnant, young women will find back their sex partners and told them that they are pregnant. They will get shocked and ask the innocent young women to abort or dump the baby to somewhere. This is because they are scared off taking the responsibilities and feel disgrace to what they had done and ignore it by asking them to abort or dump the baby.  

2. (c) i
       This baby-dumping phenomenon is a direct result of our society's failure to acknowledge and address our blinkered viewpoint of sex, and for allowing our personal religious convictions to dictate public health and education policies over proven, pragmatic approaches.” This is quoted from The New Strait Time whereby it is truth that society will ignore and despise the young women who are pregnant and dump the baby after giving birth.
        This is because society thinks that these young women who are pregnant at a very young age and simply dump or abort the infants are lack of moralities. Society will slowly think that these young women’s parents careless because they do not really teach them properly what is right and what is wrong. They will think negatively that makes them to misunderstand and look down at those young women who are pregnant and dump or abort the baby in order to get rid of getting known by many people. 
2. (c) ii
        For nation, it is a big headache for them because this baby dumping issues cannot be simply control because many teenagers to young adults thought are differently from each other. Nation has to think and try to find different kinds of solution in order to minimize this baby dumping issue.

            Besides that, nation also will lose some of the profit from the tourism industry or investors who are going to invest into our world. This is because they think that our nation people are getting less morality which makes those foreigners to look down to our nation and lost of trust to our nation.                                  


Sunday 9 October 2011



 4th of October 2011 was the Orientation Night. I went with my friends which are Yap Yen. Wei Hao, Pui Sun, Kin Mern, CK, Charissa, Sabrina and Ansen and also Anita. This was my first time spending a night with all my buddies. Well actually this is all my first time going to watch something like this in my life...I've never been to a concert or whatever la...Although I went back home early but I finally can experience something like this in university. I wanted to try a lot of new things in university but unfortunately i still have to go back early cause driving at night is not safe at all....*well although i am not the driver cause i still cannot drive because of my carelessness....^^



5th of October 2011 was the UNIVERSITY DAY....Yeh...~ Theme is white and red...Well the the fireworks are nice and also the performance too although was crowded with many people at there....And also don't miss Yap Yen too although not in the picture cause she is my photographer....heee...~
