Wednesday 7 December 2011


haha...yesterday actually wanted to post it but to tired because late cming home. while y im so happy....hahah...yesterday suppose to know my coursework mark for MPW which is moral subject. while im quite curious with my mark cause scared fail. u know what, when is the time revealing the mid term test, me n yap yen say let wait n c wether gt our name at the next slide. WELL....zang zang, THE SECOND RUNNER UP which is 26% the first group name who appear out is ARUSHANITA, WOON PUI SUN, YAP YEN N WOON SZE NEI...hahaha....happy cause saw my friends name first and u know what sir change my back name....WEI become NEI....hahaha....both of us laugh until stomach ache....
but my other friends who are different group from me didnt get it. well try harder next time....!!!
den next our expectation for our video in order to get the 30% marks. well we are getting more excited. n wat v saw in last two slide finally our group name finally appear. we are fall in the OUTSTANDING VIDEO which is 29%...haha....of course is so funny + moral....n when our groups tittle name appear, suddenly heard a scream sound which is yap excited...everyone den look to the back....opss to happy in my life my name appear in front of everyone and also to other people....^^

here r my moral group trailer video, sorry cant upload full cause to big adi the MB....too creative adi....hahaha....

hope can upload our OUTSTANDING VIDEO to let everyone watch it....>.<


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